Next Steps: You Dream the Job, We’ll Work the Dream – September 14, 2021
Never let the worry that your work might fail be the reason you give up on the work.
Or, that perhaps, it’s just taking too much time.
And effort to make it happen.
Dozens of factors can cause us to question our confidence. Well-intentioned second-guessing from others. An unexpected illness or personal setback. Misfires in new positions at start-up companies. Short-term, non-guaranteed contracts. Extended periods of work instability. First-time jobless claims. Best efforts undervalued and unrecognized. Nagging thoughts you chose the wrong path in college or need to “reinvent” yourself.
The list goes on and on, as does the frustration.
Yet, there’s genuine inspiration to be found in being a fan of yourself. Even better, channeling the credit you deserve into resume form. That’s easier said than done. But at Resume Professors, we can make the doing a lot easier than you might think.
Here’s a few of the thoughts we live by:
- Punching up your best performance. Five-to-six seconds is practically the blink of an eye, so we push your strongest content to the top of the page. That gives your submission a fighting chance once it comes to the attention of a real person.
- Cleaning house of outdated stock. If you’ve been hanging on to career highlight older than a decade, it’s likely time to broom it. However hard it might be to let an achievement go, there’s even greater risk in resting on its laurels. The distant past is no place for the present.
- Listening between the lines. Some measure of anxiety always surfaces at the beginning. Rather than magnify it, we use it to help rework our approach and build resolve in the talents you bring to the table. That nervous energy during the initial input call can supercharge progress in pinning down direction.
- Reading the crowd. It’s a well-established fact that hundreds of applicants routinely vie for top jobs, and that the lion’s share of employers use applicant-tracking-systems (ATS) to sort them out. For our clients, that’s a good thing. Think of it as “once written, twice-sorted,” in that we’ve invested in our own ATS and run every resume we write through it to optimize every word before you hit “SUBMIT.”
- For the win! It may not be everything, but it is the only thing to us. In our experience, we’ve had enough success in terms of repeat clients and positive reviews to suggest we’re on to something. The work you do—reworked by what we do—punches our time card as surely as it punches yours.
For many, the disruptions over the last eighteen months and the uncertainty going forward have left a lot of plans on hold. Still, that hasn’t kept us from working our own. Even as concerns over the pandemic continue to persist, there is a sense that equilibrium has begun to return and that brighter days are ahead.
A resume that works like a dream.
When you’re ready, that’s our job.
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