Words to the Wise

September 10, 2018

Resume Professors: “Your First Step to Your Next Step” – September 9, 2018

“I’d hire me.”

Just a short, simple three-word phrase, but it’s the one thing we enjoy hearing more than anything else at Resume Professors. In typical fashion, it comes across like a bolt of renewed confidence from customers who just found it—specifically, after reading and seeing their custom-drafted, newly reformatted resumes and cover letters for the first time.

Music to our ears.

“Resume writing that rocks” is what we call it. And it goes to show that what we do to help people improve the way they come across on paper often does even more for the way they come across in person. Our resume-building process works because it gives customers the chance to reflect about their careers and refocus their energies on the next, best action they can take to either pursue a new position or advance in a current one.

Personal empowerment can be a very powerful thing, indeed.

In my role as a writer at Resume Professors, I’ve become a strong believer in the moment when job hopefuls of every description make the transformative decision to rework their personal brands in partnership with us. It may not be the same rush of excitement that comes with an offer, but it stands on its own as a reinforcing testament to self-worth and purpose. And that can pretty darn invigorating in its own right, not to mention the shot of adrenaline it gives your motivation.

From the start, our founder Ed McGoldrick, an award-winning resume writer himself and the owner of a prominent nationwide staffing firm, drills down to get the details. In wide-ranging conversation that’s part background in terms of research, but also part foreground—in regards to emotional counseling—he helps clients find out what makes them stand out from their competitors.

Getting by with “more than a little help” from your friends at Resume Professors.

Without a doubt, it’s not always easy squaring up your past experiences, present circumstances, and future prospects. In fact, for those facing extended gaps in employment, it can sometimes verge into heart-wrenching territory. But Ed and all of our team members are here to listen, learn, and gently retool what’s holding you back from where you want to go.

To get there, we ask every new client to complete a brief questionnaire that seeks to reveal some of the hidden tangibles and intangibles that are sometimes overlooked in resume form. Naturally, there aren’t any strictly right or wrong answers to questions such as, “What’s been the toughest challenge you’ve faced in the workplace? And what did you do to overcome it?” On this score, it’s less about answering every question perfectly, and more about merely engaging in the process of self-discovery.

A great resume will get you in the door, but only a great interview will earn you a job offer.

In my own career, I’ve experienced the loftiest high of getting the job I really wanted, as well as the most dishearteningly low of losing a job I really wanted to keep. I believe it’s critical during those latter periods to remember that just everybody in the professional world has been there at one time or another. Perhaps even more importantly, that those times don’t last forever—even if it seems that way—at certain times.

Fortunes change. And when they do, it’s always just cause for rightful celebration. Yet, today I’m thoroughly convinced that as special as that occasion is, there is another point-in-time that may be even more important to making it all possible.

That moment when you take “Your First Step to your Next Step” with Resume Professors.

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