Words to the Wise

October 18, 2018

Early Career/Professional: “The ‘Feel-Good’ Blog of the Year” – October 18, 2018

Let me tell you something based on more 20 years of helping people and companies craft messages about themselves …

If you don’t feel good about yourself, you should.

In fact, the truth of the matter is you should feel great, because YOU ARE GREAT.

How do I know? Well, because, slowly and even somewhat reluctantly, I’ve come around to feeling that way about myself. So, I figure if I’m going to give this advice, I might as well take it.

And believe me, it’s taken some doing. But “DOING” is exactly what it took.

Like anybody, I’ve had to shake off disappointments. Unmet expectations. Big, little and in-between. Not everything works out. Times like those test your resilience—particularly when you’re going through an extended gap in employment or just “through the motions” in a current position.

Yet, just like the old adage that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it, there is great power in facing even the most brutal circumstances upfront; then, TAKING the NEXT, BEST ACTION at the FIRST AVAILABLE opportunity.

Here at Resume Professors, I’ve found that for the lion’s share of our customers, that “next, best action” begins with their initial strategy call with our founder Edward McGoldrick.


People who love what they do are passionate about it. And once they open-up to Ed about their successes, discuss ways to confront their setbacks, and develop strategies for improving their submissions, the pressure subsides and self-confidence starts to build. The mindset changes for the better. And the potential for a desired offer or position is no longer thought of in terms of “if” but of “when.”

That fact alone is something to feel-good about, but the truly GREAT part is watching how the transformation of our clients on paper leads to a reinvention of the way they present themselves in person.


And in our opinion, so do you. All it takes is some doing.

Resume Professors can help you get it done.


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